July 22

Anna’s 7 Day Sugar Free Challenge

Anna is your typical early 40’s lady

She leads a very busy life, she is married with 3 teenage children and she has a hectic job where she works unpredictable hours.

In short, life is very hectic for her.

I first met Anna a few years ago, we started working together and she made fantastic progress, losing over 14 lbs and dropping two dress sizes, she went from feeling frumpy and lethargic to more confident and full of energy.


After this, life got in the way for Anna, she changed jobs more than once and has a number of stressful situations to deal with.

Unfortunately something had to give, and that something was her training.

Now, 3 years down the line, she is back in the same position when we first met, she feels constantly tired, lacking in energy and a bit frumpy.

Plus she was feeling a bit down because she is going on holiday in 7 days time and she has no bikinis that fit her!

So I set her a challenge

To ditch sugar from her diet for 7 days!

Follow us for the next few days to she how she gets on…



If you want to speak to one of our expert coaches about how you can make some changes to your diet or your lifestyle, fill in the your details below to arrange a free exploration call with one of the team

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