“I know what I need to do, I just cant seem to do it”
To all those frustrated dieters out there, I here you
This has got to be one of the most frequently used phrases I hear when I talk to people about their diets
And I am not immune to this either, I hear myself saying this all the time
But what does it actually mean?
Well to me it means that if I asked you to write down a plan
Even just a rough plan of what you could do to
lose weight / get healthier… << insert your goal here
then you could probably do a pretty decent job of getting a plan together that would work well for you
the problem that we all face is that even though we can plan we struggle with the execution of the plan
the first few days everything is new and shiny
then the novelty starts to wear off quickly and we very soon lose momentum
lose track of our original targets and end up going back to the way we did things before
I know all of this because I’ve had a lot of personal experience of starting things and not seeing them through
In fact if there was an Olympics for starting things for a few days then quitting I would be a gold medalist!
Why does this happen?
A number of reasons why, but the main ones in my experience are:
- Trying to take on too much too quickly
- Taking on unrealistic actions
- Not having the right tools in place to stay focused
- Choosing targets and goals that aren’t really important to you
- Trying to break down bad habits rather than building up good habits
Some fitness gooroos will tell you that if you cant stick to your diets then you just don’t want your goals enough, or that your goal is not SMART based
Well that might be true
But if you take our fictional client Jane
Who hates the way she looks in a bikini, always buys clothes to cover up and avoids going out to social situations because she hates all of the clothes that fit her
And you then tell her that she doesn’t “want her results enough”
then Jane will probably punch you in the face!!!
I can see what you are thinking…
So if someone knows what they need to do…
And genuinely wants to make a change in their weight, fitness etc…
Then why can’t they do it?…
Well here is the part that I’ve spent months researching and studying brain science and human behavior
Because quite frankly the old school approach of broccoli and burpees to lose weight is very limited and I want my members to achieve and maintain long term results
And in my humble opinion
The best way to achieve and maintain long term results
rather than trying to break down bad habits first (think things like giving up sugar, booze, cigarettes etc)
You need to focus on building up a series of good habits that you do, consistently, EVERY day
^^^ Ok that sounds pretty simple
and maybe you’ve thought to yourself before that you need to get into some good habits
and started to do one or two good habits per day
only to get derailed by something
well having taken the amazing work done by Coach Stevo and his amazing team at Habitry, I have come up with my Primal Friendly version
I call it the “Good Habit Builder”
It is a 12 week system where we focus on 1 habit at a time,
Yes just 1 habit
For 2 weeks
Then after 2 weeks, we choose another good habit to work on and continue the process
There are plenty of coaching points along the way to help support you too, so you don’t feel like you are doing it all on your own
Sounds pretty easy, but trust me it takes a lot of focus to do something new for 2 weeks, but the beauty of the system is that once you’ve done 2 weeks in a row, you are far more likely to be able to adopt the habit long term
And by the end of the 12 weeks you will have adopted 6 weeks key habits that will come to you on a daily basis like making a cup of tea in the morning or brushing your teeth before bed
The good habit builder program is a key component of all of our 121 and group personal training packages
To find out more fill in the contact form below and one of our expert coaches will tell you some more