October 27

What happened to Clint?

“I felt like most average blokes around the age of 30…not fat, not thin, able to play sports etc…and in all honesty I was miles off.

All I knew was that I wasn’t happy being average anymore.

After that first 2 weeks, I had already gone from 23% body fat to 18% fat. It felt great! That alone was enough to drop me down a waist size!

It became addictive…to catch a glimpse of my tricep after a shower or the top 2 abs begin to say hello for the first time since my sporty school days

Mid way through the course I started to slip…my weekends became 2 day binges as there was no way to avoid summer birthdays/festivals/weddings/day at the races etc…

I spoke with the coaches and they all said the same thing…they never criticised, simply said that fun is needed but it was down to me to take action.

This was refreshing as it showed complete understanding of my busy profession, lifestyle and social life. If anything it reinforced my desire to improve my weekends (I never cheated mid week).

Now I’ve finished the 8 weeks, I feel great and I’m still getting comments on my looks…not just size of arms or ‘slimness’ of my new waist but also comments like ‘you look…just…well…like super healthy”

My only criticism is that I’ve had to by a complete new wardrobe…slim tee’s, muscle fit jumpers etc…cost me a fortune, but I’ll happily let Primal off :)”

Pretty sweet…

But you know what

I am not surprised

Because my man Clint is an action taker

Just like you

Clint is a busy dude

He has a very hectic job, busy social life and has very little spare time

But guess what?

He made the time in his diary

Did he make every session?

Nope, he may have missed a few

But he stuck to his plan 80% of the time

And still got awesome results

Remember what he said…

Mid way through the course I started to slip…my weekends became 2 day binges as there was no way to avoid summer birthdays/festivals/weddings/day at the races etc…

^^^ This happens WAY more than you think


Because life gets in the way

And I wouldn’t want you to feel like you have to lock yourself away for 12 weeks to get results

It is not necessary

And something I don’t encourage

Enjoy life

Work hard

Train hard

And play hard


most of all have a balance

That is what my man Clint did

He has shown

It doesn’t need to be perfect

You can have some flexibility in your diet

And you can still get results

2015-08-14 12.08.13

2015-08-14 12.09.28

He is now over 1 stone lighter

Gone from 23% bodyfat down to 16%

And a heck of a lot healthier because he said enough was enough

He saw our ad for the 2 week trial

and thought “I’ll have a bit of that”

and the rest is history

I will be running 1 more trial group this year

If you want in

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